Life in the Country

Taking one day at a time with kids, cattle, and farming!


on Sunday, January 18, 2009

We had company Saturday afternoon. Cody, his girlfriend Lisa, and her little girl Kamden came over to visit for a while. Kamden is almost 18 months old and is soooo cute. She was shy at first, but quickly warmed up to us, especially to Brooke and Blake. She played with lots of toys, but I think the Dora tent was her favorite. Blake was outside riding the snowmobile so we held her up to the window so she could watch him. She watched and watched! If he went around to the other side of the house, she would look at us with her hands up like "where is he?" and she would say "Bay (Blake), Peez (Please)!" She wanted him to keep riding by! It was so cute! Cody held her on his knee for quite a while, then she just wanted to stand on the windowsill with someone holding onto her of course! I am sure that the kids and I will have the chance to babysit Kamden - like maybe next weekend! She sure is a lot of fun, but I've forgotten how busy an 18 month old is! I was exhausted after only 2 hours!!!


Cathi said...

What a little cutie!!! Can't wait to meet her, on nice thing for Cody and Lisa is that there are plenty of babysitters available. It's been a while, but it's like riding a bike, it all comes back to you. I am leaving a comment on each post, cause I'm sure the more comments the more updates.